As Rosicrucian will say, God exists, man also exists and there is a definite relationship between God and man. Man here means human being generally.
Although, I love to see people pray. For me, instead of praying, I favor to contemplate. I guess they are one and the same thing. I am annoying to connect prayer with work here. Christians, Moslems, mystics, atheists, pray either to God or their deity. But, now a day, members of some churches, mosques and temples spend lots of time in prayers than on their jobs. I do not think this is right. If we pray from now till thy kingdom come and abandonment to do our job, we will not be able to pay our bills. This is the truth. God talk to us in different ways. So, when we devote few minutes or hours praying, we must also spend more time doing our job.

Prayer is one percent and hard work is hundred percent Prayer with work is decent mixture. This is where you balance the mystical with the bodily. Religion does not have a place here. Take it or leave it, you are helping to create our universe a good destination. No man or woman is completely free from greed. Everyone is always asking this question deep down, what is in this commercial, relationship, deal, education, profession, etc, for me?
But, when we pray, inspiration to do our job better will come. And when we put on the guidance from our inner self this is development all the way. Muslims from the different corner of the world perform special kinds prayer and rituals like Umrah and hajj aby booking Umrah package.
Always be Reminisce that the reward for hard work is more work and more income. Take a silence and look around you and you will notice which people who are always busy, doing their job do not have time for frivolities. When we pray hard and also do our Umrah and Hajj Flights.
job hard, terrorism, militancy, stress, strive, man's inhumanity to man will decrease. We are told over and over again that an idle mind is a devil's workshop. This is true. So we should have offered prayer but also perform different rituals like Umrah by booking
Less time for prayer, more time for work and with an optimistic mental attitude, our universe will eventually become an improved place for all of us
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