
Tuesday 2 April 2019

Luxury 2-3 Weeks Hajj Packages from London

Its everyone desire to visit the Holiest Cities of Saudi Arabia once in their lifetime. They annually visit the Mecca and Medina to recall Allah the Almighty. The main purpose of visiting these places to perform Hajj an Umrah worships. Hajj and Umrah, both are sacred journeys to Makkah. Umrah considers the lesser pilgrimage and Hajj is known as a major pilgrimage. 

Hajj is performed in the last month of Islamic calendar, Dhull Hajja and the rituals of Hajj worships are started from 8th to 13th Zill Hajj. Umrah can be performed throughout the year and there is no specific time for it. But according to Ministry of Hajj and Umrah, if you are not a citizen of KSA then you can’t perform Umrah after the month of Ramadan to Muharram. The reason behind it, authorities have to manage the setup for Hajj worship and they just entertain the Hajj visa.

Pilgrims Need Hajj Visa from London 

If you are not living in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia then you need a visa which is a legal permit for traveling from one place to another. If you want to avoid obstacles for a visa then pick out a trustworthy travel agent. Your travel agent must be approved from IATA, ATOL, and Saudi Hajj and Umrah Ministry. 

Always compare the prices and services of different travel agencies and then choose the best among them. If they offer cheap, but luxury Hajj Packages with visa and flight then must go with it. But check out all the requirements before booking your Hajj deals. You can be facilitated with direct or indirect flights, fully furnished hotels accommodations, air-conditioned transportation from the hotel to Holy Haram or hotel to Masjid e Nabvi, and the tour to holy places of Mecca and Medina. They assist you in every difficult situation. 

Luxury 2-3 Weeks Hajj Packages from the UK

Islamic Travel UK is offering the Luxury 2-3 Weeks Hajj Packages from London to Jeddah or Medina. You can enjoy your 2 to 3 weeks stay at Makkah and Madinah, Saudi Arabia and we provide the luxury amenities for the Muslims of London, Manchester, Birmingham, Bradford or all over the world. 

These packages contain all modern services and proper guide for the respected pilgrims. They can even book the tailor-made Hajj deals if they have any issue with our deals. These 2 to 3 weeks Hajj deals have designed by the travel experts. We have a team of professional and well-trained travel agents and they are available 24/7 just for your assistance. In case of any query, just make a call and our experienced travel operators provide you the best solution relating your spiritual pilgrimage. 
So, don’t be late to book your dreamy Hajj deals from Islamic Travel UK and complete your religious obligation as early as possible in the House of Allah the Almighty (Holy Kaaba in Masjid e Haram). We are with you to assist you in every step of your religious pilgrimage. Keep in touch with us and get discounted deals now!

Wednesday 10 January 2018

Who Holy Quran present at the time of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)

Islam is the most practiced religion in the world. Muslims are present in almost every region of the world. It is the psychology of every Muslim to get to know about their religion, its aspects, about righteous things and to know about the Quran and hadiths of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). 

It is the most interest of the Muslim to know that who Quran present at the time of the Holy Prophet (P.B.UH). Quran was not in the book form it was in the form of revelations and voice and it took 23 years to complete and revelations were not in an order. It was not like we see today! So I came here to throw some light on this!

As we all know that the Holy Quran was revealed to the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) on the different places, at the different time, according to the time of need. The revelations were not in the written form rather they all were in oral form, Hazrat Jibrael comes to the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) read the revelation sent by the Allah Almighty and make Holy prophet (P.B.U.H) memories the verses of Holy Quran. 

After receiving the Verses of Holy Quran the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) call his companies and make them memories. Hazrat Jibrael also tells their places, verse number and where it should be placed in the Holy Quran. The Holy Prophet used to call his companion to write them down.

Almost the verse of Holy Quran was written by the Zaid bin Thabit. In the time of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H), the verses of the Holy Quran was written in many different places. Mostly they all was written on the skins of camel, leathers, leave of date trees, and on the dark of tress. And they all were placed in the masjid-e-Nabi according to their places described by the Hazrat Jibrael. 

Writing the verses of Holy Quran was the best method for its preservation, and this gives birth to its compilation, but it wasn’t in the form of a book in the life of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). It was in the form of the different patch in his lifetime it was after then converted into the one volume as a book which we all read today.

as we all know that Muslims have deep interest regarding Holy Quran, as the first timing form of Holy Quran is also preserved in the Masjid-e-Nabi so people all around the world have a deep interest in going there and see them. So when people go to Umrah or Hajj they do the ziyarah of those places and see the writing of Zaid Bin Thabit. And nowadays going to Umrah is much easier because of now many travel agencies started offering Ramadan Umrah package with flights ticket at fewer prices and gives the more facilities. 

Monday 1 January 2018

Efforts to preserve the Holy Quran

The other books revealed by the Allah Almighty got changed by the peoples time to time. They used to change the revelations according to their needs. As we know that the after the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) no prophet will come in the world! 

So Holy Quran will be the last book of Allah and it was very necessary to preserve it. So that the people after will be able to get the guidance from this Holy Book. So there were many efforts done by the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) to preserve it and also the people after him.  

The difference method or efforts to preserve the Holy Quran are as follow,

Remembrance of Holy Quran: 

The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) says his companions to remember the Holy Quran by heart in such a way it will be get preserved in the memories of the people. This practice is still done by the number of the peoples.

The responsibility of its preservation:

The responsibility of the preservation of Holy Quran in took by Allah himself.

As Allah says in Quran,

“Surely we have sent down this book and we are its Guidant” 

As it can be clearly seen that Allah himself took the responsibility of its preservation so it cannot be changed.

Writing It Down:

As the verse of the Holy Quran was revealed at the same time the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) used to say his companions to write them down. In such a way It was also got preserved when any of them feels that they are reciting it wrong then at that time they used to concern from there.


After the battle when the number of Hafiz-e-Quran got martyred then Muslims feel it necessary because at that time there was not any complication of the Holy Quran. It was a risk that it may not get vanish from the world. So Hazrat Abu Bakr orders to compile the Quran in the book form. So that it may be get preserved and the first complication was made with every care after complication it was checked by many hafiz-e-Quran. 

The first compilation of the Holy Quran is still present in the world. It is the create interest of the peoples to see the first complication of the Holy Quran. So when people go for Hajj and Umrah, then they go to see the first compilation of Holy Quran. Frist of all Umrah visa check online requirements and then apply. It is easy to get and very cheap.

Monday 20 November 2017


Rabi-Ul-Awwal” is the third month in the Islamic Calendar, this month included in the blessed month, this is the most blessed month after the month of “Ramadan” this month of great importance in Islam, this month is very closed to the hearts of people, due to some events that were happened in this month.

“Rabi-Ul-Awwal” is an Arabic word, the word “Rabi” means “Spring” and the word “Awwal” means “First”. So, therefore, the word “Rabi-Ul-Awwal” is also known as “Frist Spring”. The names seem to have to do with the celebration events in the month as "spring" is the end to winter which symbolizes the sadness and grief, whereas the coming of spring symbolizes the Happiness and enjoy. This month have its great importance and significances which are enlisted as follow;

1.    Eid-e-Shuja is celebrated by Muslims on the day of 9 “Rabi-Ul-Awwal
2.    Eid-Miladun-Nabi is celebrated by Muslims throughout the world as they assume it is the day when Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) was bestowed to the world as a blessing on the day of 12 “Rabi-Ul-Awwal”
3.    Muslim celebrate the birthday of Imam-Jaffari on the day OF 17 “RABI-UL-AWWAL”
4.    Muslim around the world celebrate the birthday of “UMM KHUTHUM BINT ALI” on the day of 18 “Rabi-Ul-Awwal”

From the above points you call an see, almost all the big personality which did their best for the mankind buy impart us with huge see of knowledge was blessing to the world in this month, and above all our Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) was born in this year, I think nothing would make the Muslim more happy other than this thing, Muslim used to perform “Milad” in this month, excitation of Holy Quran, Giving food to the poor, and providing them with clothes, in this way we spread happiness and share the blessings with those people who aren’t that much blessed by Allah Almighty.

Now the question is why this month is called as “first spring”? Here is the Answer for it! as the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) was born in this month as the spring symbolize the blessing and happiness, so it is mention in the Holy Quran as follow;

“The last messenger of Allah has been sent to you as a blessing, and as a warner form sins”

From this verse you can imagine, why this month is called the month of blessing being a Muslim every Muslim wish to spend this month of blessing in the holy places like medina and mecca and do ziyarats of the holy places, which will in return “RENEW OUR EMMAN”. Keeping in the view these many travel agencies started offering the cheap umrah packages to their value customers, Best Umrah Packages from Birmingham, England with transport 2018. With more facilities at affordable prices.

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Adopt Every Good And Abstain From The Evil

We go through the different types of scenarios in our life and indeed there is lots of learning in them. the success is not the one-time opportunity for yourself as it eclipsed with many failures beside you can’t imagine. But the important thing is to keep your hope standards always on the top. Umrah Experts provides inexpensive Three star 2017 Ramadan Umrah packages with family from London with hotel and flight. We usually wish for the big and the remarkable things in our lives but never see the exact way that how we can achieve them. once the time passes it never comes back again.
But if we observe the general trends of being changed then you will show the mesmerizing effects in the personality of human beings regarding the religion or any activity that has left the great impact on the personality of the human. Umrah Experts provides inexpensive Three star 2017 Ramadan Umrah packages with family from London with hotel and flight. There are lots of ways to turn towards the light of faith. You can have religious gatherings as well as have the religious tours with the best Non-Shifting Hajj Agents Packages 2017 For families.

It is in the verses of the Holy Quran that we should immediately accept what the Prophet of Allah give us and we should abstain from what we are being told to do so. Umrah Experts provides inexpensive Three star Ramadan Umrah packages with family from London with hotel and flight It is the big statement with respect to its dignity as Allah Almighty ordered to accept those things that are good to you and being advised through the last Prophet of Allah Almighty. as if you adopt the good things for yourself then there is no reason to make even a glance at bad ones. These are the instructions of Quran and for a true Muslim there should not be even one percent doubt in it. Umrah Experts provides inexpensive Three star 2017 Ramadan Umrah packages with family from London with hotel and flight. As a believer, we should adopt the ways through which we can become close to our Almighty.

Though everyone wants to enjoy the realities of life. Umrah Experts provides inexpensive Three star 2017 Ramadan Umrah packages with family from London with hotel and flight.As the life of the world has its own charms but it is having the deception inside. But if you fulfill all your responsibilities on your shoulders with devotion then there is no need to worry but to have the strong faith that your creator will not let you in any type of misery. Umrah Experts provides inexpensive Three star 2017 Ramadan Umrah packages with family from London with hotel and flight. If you make something good for the sake of Allah Almighty then you receive the great favor in terms of blessings that will keep you out from the circle of evil ways. Therefore, try to adopt the good things and abstain from the evil ways so that you can be succeeded.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Importance Of Islamic Education

These days Muslims are facing a state of downfall due to many different reasons. These reasons include their lack of interest in searching for the golden principles of Islam and finding the context in which those principles were given. Contrary to this, people from other religions have been doing more researches on the Ayat of Quran and Hadith and finding out the context in which these Ayat and hadith were given. Due to these research,

West has been progressing more and more with each passing day whereas Muslims are going towards decline due to the distance they have created with their holy religion Islam.
The sad part is that we, as Muslims, are not even aware of the basic laws of Islam and are not able to convey Allah’s commands to other people because we are not even aware of these then how will we convey it to other properly? Islam has always been a religion of peace. It never spread through swords and knives but with love and knowledge. Knowledge and information about a certain religion are highly compulsory if we want to convey our message to someone. Especially if that message is on the sensitive issue of a religion, then an educated person would always ask the logical explanation with proof, and obviously, that requires a thorough study of Islam so that one can give a solid argument with proper proofs of Ayat and Hadith.

These day many people have been traveling from all over the world to perform the holy obligation of Hajj and Umrah by Best 5-star Luxury Hotels Group Umrah Package with tickets With Luxury Hotels 2017. Surprisingly, many people are not even aware of the proper steps of performing Hajj and Umrah and this shows how little our knowledge of Islam is. Not only is it important for us to gain the knowledge of Islam, but also we should have the ability to convey it to other people as well so that majority of Muslims can gain the benefit of Allah’s blessings when they travel to perform Hajj and Umrah. Sometimes a little mistake can cause a lot of problems performing the holy obligations of Hajj and Umrah so one should have proper education about it before he starts planning for it. Same goes with other acts of Islam like Namaz, fasting, Zakat, etc. Without proper knowledge, we cannot gain the blessings of Allah in a full-fledged form.

Here You Can Read More Topics About Islamic Teachings 

Wednesday 21 December 2016

Celebration Of Eid Mailad Un Nabi Event In Rabi al-Awwal

Celebration Of  Eid Mailad Un Nabi Event In Rabi al-Awwal

Rabi al-Awwal is the third month of Islamic Lunar Calendar and comes after Safar al-Muzaffar. Azadari (grieving) remains, proceed till the 8th of this current month. The month of Rabi al-Awwal (the First Spring Season) of Islamic Lunar Calendar is no doubt understood in the whole Muslim world as Shahr al-Mawhid (the Month of Birth) of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The exact date of his introduction to the world is questioned among the antiquarians, yet a group of the Muslims had proclaimed the week somewhere around 9th and 17th Rabi al-Awwal as "Usboo al-Wahda" signifying "the week of solidarity amongst Muslims." Muslims everywhere throughout the world are asked to get together and observe (Eid-E-Milad un Nabi) the conception of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) for the entire week. Sunnis and Shias are two arms (Bazoo) of the Islam. 

Rabi al-Awwal is an extraordinary month in the Islamic Calendar and it held incredible essentials in the life of adoring Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). As we all know Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was conceived in this month. He started his voyage of Hijrah amid this month and assembled the first Mosque of Islam, Masjid Quba in this month. The chief Jummah was built in this month. 

Consequently Rabi al-Awwal is the month of conception festival of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The conception of the best of Allah's creation and the last to be sent with the perfect message for the direction of mankind on an entire is, without uncertainty, a day to take as one of thanks and love to Allah, the Almighty. Dissimilar to the courses adherents of different beliefs celebrates the births of their specific prophet, the Muslim festival of Eid-E-Milad un Nabi is one in which we assemble to talk about the abundance and support which Allah has favored us with by directing us to the way of Islam and the teachings of the last Messenger of Allah (pbuh). We enjoy Dhikr (recognition) and Fikr (thought) and what it intends to be an adherent of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). 

Eid-E-Milad un Nabi is praised by Muslims with awesome dedication and veneration all through the world. Yet, it has frequently been seen that aficionados don't think about the message of the individual whom they so worship. It just turns into a custom as opposed to event for profound reflection. Muslims likewise allude to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as Mohsin-e-Insaniat i.e. the sponsor of humankind, however, barely care to know in what regard he got to be believable? Thus, we can call him a hero of mankind, just when we follow his teachings in our own lives. 

With no question, the number of a place to look for out the cheapest Umrah package is on the internet.  That being said, if you do not totally defend physically when you are shopping online, what was once going to be one of the greatest events in your life, could just turn into an absolute and utter tragedy. Less than you will find out a few obliging hints, which you go after them will assign you to seek out and buy the most economical Umrah packages London services, thus make it sure, that you are totally satisfied with your trip.